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Singapore Labor Overview

 In the dynamic landscape of the Singaporean labor market, businesses seeking to expand globally can leverage the advantages of an Employer of Record (EOR) service. These entities, such as Impact Best Pte Ltd, handle various aspects of HR services, managing clients' HR and payroll needs with compliant employment contracts.

Whether hiring independent contractors or opting for direct employment, the EOR allows companies to establish a presence in new markets without the complexities of setting up legal entities.


Choosing an Employer of Record provider ensures a seamless global expansion, meeting the unique employment requirements in each country while mitigating the risk of employment and tax violations.

Optimizing EOR Workforce Solutions: Understanding the Benefits of Employer of Record in Singapore

What Is an Employer of Record? 

Understanding the role of an Employer of Record (EOR) is crucial for businesses aiming at global employment. An EOR service serves as the legal employer, handling various aspects of HR services, including payroll processing and employment relationships. This allows companies to outsource and efficiently hire employees in multiple countries, establishing a global workforce without the need to establish legal entities in each location.

Choosing an EOR provider, such as Impact Best Pte Ltd, ensures compliance with local payroll regulations and employment laws, providing a seamless experience for businesses looking to grow internationally while minimizing the complexities and costs associated with direct employment.

What does an employer of record (EOR) do? 

An Employer of Record (EOR) service takes the reins when companies want to hire international employees and expand their business into new global markets. Acting as the client company's registered employer, the EOR handles various aspects of employment, providing global HR and payroll services.

This allows businesses to establish a presence without the need to establish legal entities in each country. Working with an EOR minimizes complexities, ensuring compliance with local payroll regulations and employment laws.


The EOR becomes the legal employer, dealing with payroll, employment costs, and thousands of global employment processes, allowing companies to focus on their global growth objectives.

When to use an EOR Service?

Choosing an Employer of Record (EOR) is essential when expanding globally. When opting for an EOR service, look for an employer with local expertise to navigate legal complexities seamlessly.


An EOR is particularly beneficial when dealing with a diverse, international workforce, ensuring compliance with local regulations and providing efficient support for various employment needs.

Benefits and Advantages of an Employer of Record service


Employing an Employer of Record (EOR) service offers a multitude of benefits for businesses looking to expand globally. Acting as the entity in the country, EORs streamline the process of establishing a presence in new markets, allowing companies to focus on growing their business.

Unlike Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs), the global Employer of Record handles the intricacies of employment needs, providing clients with a global team and managing HR and payroll services.

Choosing an EOR ensures a seamless and compliant employment experience in the country of operation, minimizing costs and legal responsibilities. Opting for an EOR allows businesses to enter new global markets without the need to establish legal entities, providing an efficient and cost-effective solution for managing contractors and ensuring a direct employment experience for new hires.


Compliance with local employment laws / Reduced Compliance risks

Choosing an Employer of Record (EOR) is essential to growing your business while mitigating compliance risks. The EOR takes responsibility for local employment laws, reducing compliance risks for the client company.


With the EOR providing HR and payroll services, new employees are seamlessly integrated, ensuring compliance with legal employment regulations. Opting for an EOR minimizes costs, offers a global hiring solution, and handles contractors on your behalf, making it a strategic choice for businesses aiming for expansion.



Utilizing an Employer of Record (EOR) is a time-saving strategy for businesses. The EOR, unlike establishing a local entity, handles HR, payroll services, and employment responsibilities.


This eliminates the need for the employer to manage numerous EOR service providers and navigate the complexities of establishing local entities. Opting for an EOR streamlines processes, reduces costs, and allows businesses to focus on growth rather than the intricacies of payroll and employment management.


Costs savings

Selecting an Employer of Record (EOR) is a strategic move for cost savings. Unlike establishing a local entity, an EOR partner manages payroll and HR responsibilities, reducing employer costs.


Opting for an EOR minimizes the financial burden associated with handling various EOR service providers and the complexities of establishing local entities. This way, the company can focus resources on growth, and the EOR assumes responsibility for payroll and HR costs.


Onboarding of new team members

Effectively onboarding new team members is streamlined when you use an Employer of Record (EOR). Unlike the complexities of establishing a local entity, the EOR, with its clients' HR and payroll services, takes charge of the onboarding process.


Opting for an EOR eliminates the burden an employer must navigate, ensuring a seamless experience for new hires. The company is responsible for fewer tasks, reducing the employer of record costs.


Running payroll internationally & Global Employment

Running payroll internationally is a complex task; however, opting for an Employer of Record (EOR) simplifies the process. The key difference between an EOR and establishing an entity is that the EOR, like payroll, handles the intricacies.


When selecting an employer, companies must look for an EOR with global expertise to ensure smooth international payroll operations. Many EOR options cater to various company needs, bridging the gap between the company and the EOR.


Faster Expansion of Local Market

Opting for an Employer of Record (EOR) facilitates faster expansion by leveraging the EOR's local expertise. Companies looking for swift growth must look for an employer with a robust track record.


It's crucial to make sure your EOR aligns with your expansion goals, as the Employer of Record's local knowledge streamlines processes, ensuring a seamless and efficient expansion experience.


Remote Workforce

When managing a remote workforce, opting for an Employer of Record (EOR) is crucial. Look for an employer that understands the challenges of a global, remote team. Make sure your EOR provides the necessary support for a seamless transition to remote work.


The Employer of Record's local knowledge is invaluable in navigating the complexities of a remote workforce, ensuring compliance and efficient operations.

Our EOR services

Impact Best Pte Ltd  stands out as the preferred choice for Employer of Record (EOR) services due to our extensive global reach and in-depth understanding of local compliance requirements.


Our commitment to ensuring seamless international workforce management sets us apart. At Impact Best, we offer tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of your business, providing a reliable and efficient EOR service that empowers your global expansion efforts.


Trust us to navigate the complexities of employment, allowing you to focus on growing your business with confidence.

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